
99 www.gogreen-project.eu informing current ones about the benefits of applying green practices. → Amendment of the suggested solutions and qualify the most suitable strategic actions among the GREEN Project proposal items. → Rejection of suggested solutions at an extreme scenario ending with total disagreement among the groups and delegates involved. Summarizing the role-play [1] Summary of the role-play and final decisions made. Towards the conclusion of the role-play and surely after the discussions and negotiations have proceeded well and have reached at a satisfying level close to what had been initially expected, a summary of the role-play is necessary. Present all the proposals and crucial decisions made by the groups at each round of negotiations. Describe in brief the final agreement or the solutions decided at the role-play. 5 minutes A board will be helpful to sum up the key points of the roleplay. Sum up the final decisions made by the groups at each round of the negotiations, trying to pique interest and generate questions that will facilitate moving on to the next stage. Timing Debriefing [1] Debrief Coordination Gain insight into the decisions made and behaviors displayed during the role-play. [2] Discussion Ask everyone to step out of their roles and reflect on the experience through focusing on the feelings, hope and call to action. Try to engage trainees in the discussion to encourage them to reflect on the experience and draw out insights from it. 75 minutes ● In-person event: - Stationery (pens, paper, envelopes, folders, etc.) ● Role-play online: The online platform used already in previous steps (e.g., Zoom Meetings). Results’ sheet Tips for Debriefing