
83 www.gogreen-project.eu Lesson plan Steps Timing Equipment Material Advice/Tips for the facilitator Further Reading/ Link to Resources Entry requirements Background info should be sent via email to participants a few days before the workshops so they can study the topic ahead. 3 days ahead of the training itself participants email addresses and Extended Information Sheet Extended Information Sheet You can always add extra sources and interesting articles to read. All should be based on established science and useful for further use. Background knowledge It can be found at the simulation scenario 3 (ANNEX I) - p. 3 - section “Background” Key contextual details Welcome, introductions, warm up activities Preparation and introduction to the topic. Warm Up activities Trainer starts a small discussion first. Then trainees are asked to find and match the pairs of 6 statements. The correct answers are: 1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – B, 4 – E, 5 – D, 6 – F 10-15 minutes ● In-person event: A quiet lecture room needs to be set up. ● Online event: An online platform offering a “breakout room” feature (e.g., Zoom Meetings). Short texts/phrases in 2 columns to make the matching (warm up activity). The trainer welcomes trainees and initiates warm up activities to introduce the case. Briefing Briefing of the theme. The trainer describes the key contextual details of the scenario. At this stage, a few questions may be also useful for the trainer to identify the degree of participants’ familiarity with the staff behaviour that impacts the climate change through GHG emissions produced and their familiarization with training practices and CSR - Which specific everyday activities conducted within a company relate to climate change, 10-15 minutes Continue with the equipment used in the previous step. Tips for Briefing Background knowledge It can be found at the simulation scenario 3 (ANNEX I) - p. 3 - section “Background” Key contextual details