www.gogreen-project.eu This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project number: 2020-1-CY01-KA202-065983] − How do you feel about your results? How do you come across any difficulties (or ease/possibility) to achieve them? − To what extent did your proposals produce the result you expected, or hoped for? Why or why not? − What impact do you envision the result you achieved will have on the interests you were representing? − To what extent is the result you achieved feasible? From an economic standpoint? A political standpoint? A social/technical/cultural standpoint? [3] Reflection Acknowledge the overall emotional involvement of participants, whose self-reflection can be integrated throughout the role-play and after each stage. In this way, you can have a far better and more rounded picture of how the activity has been developed. Participants need to think about answers on specific questions. To find and pose the right questions, you must consider what is important to be discussed after the role-play. Examples for questions to ask are: − How did the attitudes affect you? − What do you think you did well? − What do you think you might have done differently? − What is one thing you have learnt today that you will take into your business practice? Post assessment [1] Evaluation of the scenario 2 Ask the participants to assess their performance through a questionnaire, which entails queries related to the learning outcomes. [2] Evaluation of the role-play simulation Ask the participants to fill in the relevant questionnaire 5-10 minutes No additional equipment required Questionnaire a) Scenario 2 evaluation b) Role-play Simulation questionnaire The evaluation activity entails the completion of 2 separate questionnaires by the participants. Explain to participants why this activity is important. Make clear to them that the questionnaires are anonymous and should be completed individually, without any third-party intervention. There are no right