
www.gogreen-project.eu This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project number: 2020-1-CY01-KA202-065983] optimize its resources and enhance its collaboration with all stakeholders—including customers, supply chain partners, local community— where green implications are directed, and, crucially, its future investors. Last but not least, the owners are aware of the opportunity arising from greening their business to improve its competitive advantage both by reducing operational costs and by adopting a corporate green image. 2. The Local Community Representatives belong to the regional association representing the interests of the local community and consist of people who are passionately concerned with the protection of their natural area. Well aware of the negative consequences of the abrupt expansion of industry into their region during the last decades, they suggest that the scenario’s business activity further decreases the quality of the local environment and contributes to its deterioration and the air pollution. Many of the nearby residents feel that their environment and natural world should be protected at any cost. Therefore, they keep putting pressure on local authorities to take action by scrutinizing operations, GHGs production and waste management across local agricultural businesses, imposing penalty-fines to those that do not invest in new technologies and/or abstain from using cleaner energy. The association also requires some regular official information by businesses of their region with detailed reports on their footprint measurements and the fossil fuels consumption, along with any future plans for investment in eco-oriented products and operations. 3. The State Representatives (public services) are especially concerned with maintaining a strong economy and increasing population in rural areas. They are seeing a growing amount of concern about the climate issue from local communities, which has to be transmitted to the business community as well. Concerned climate scientists and environmentalists have collected a wide variety of data indicating that agricultural activity based on fossil fuels is changing the climate of both the local area and at a national level as well. In the past, reported observations remained outside of the debate for the impact of climate change, but new observations have revealed startling changes that comprise a cause of genuine concern to everyone in the local community. Meanwhile, fossil fuel companies insist that the phenomenon of global warming is yet unproven and that attempts to reduce usage of fossil fuels would come at a prohibitively high economic cost to the country. While those companies also suggest that the warming will be beneficial, the state needs to update the legislative framework for businesses, especially SMEs and those of the agricultural sector, imposing heavier penalty-fines to the companies that keep producing high levels of GHGs emissions. More incentives should also be given in consensus with the EU and the banking sector to support business investments in energy savings and new technologies for cleaner energy generation and usage, GHG management and recycling. Case Flow First, the facilitator/trainer introduces the case, then describes the key contextual details of the scenario and provides detailed information of the roles/characters to be played. The scenario’s business represented by its owners initiates the role-playing. This group attempts to negotiate with other actors/groups, supporting the business interests. The rest delegates (i.e., local community representatives and state representatives) engage in role-playing by the same token. All participants are allowed to advise their group delegate both before and during the role-play, adding useful keypoints in the discussion if and whenever necessary. Specific questions are asked to each group/delegate, so as to facilitate discussion and the first phase of negotiations that will lead faster to the participants’ final decisions about the scenario. Such questions are: