www.gogreen-project.eu This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project number: 2020-1-CY01-KA202-065983] 4. Mixture of 2nd and 3rd Scenario A Tomato producer in the agricultural sector in Greece has its own growing and harvesting equipment and machinery. The company ownership (management) has recently been taken over by the 2nd generation of the founder family and the current management has an innovative thinking and strategic vision for the business. Being aware of the climate change and the actual framework and environmental impact of their business (energy consumption, waste production, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) the owners wish to implement a project to reduce their business environmental footprint. Being aware that all business actors have a great impact, they want to invest in corporate training with focus on staff behavior to increase energy-saving and waste reduction practices that benefit the company in terms of cost reduction. The owners have planned a meeting with the staff representative and invited an environmental expert as an external professional to give advice, and a local representative to discuss their project about GHG management and energy savings and the staff training to reduce operating costs, mitigate climate change impacts and improve the environmental footprint of the business. A condition to be taken for granted pertains to that the company budget for such an investment is not without limitation, and the owners opt for the most cost-effective solution in every decision they have to make. Guidelines for the case flow, common for all the four (4) scenarios. - First, the facilitator introduces the case, then describes the key contextual details of the scenario and provides information of the roles to be played. - The business owners are encouraged to initiate the role-playing, supporting their business interests. - The rest of the delegates engage gradually in role-playing by the same token. All participants are allowed to advise their group delegate both before and during the role-play, adding useful key-points in the discussion if and whenever needed. - Some questions are asked to each group, so as to facilitate discussion and negotiations that will lead faster to the participants’ final decisions about the scenario.