
www.gogreen-project.eu This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project number: 2020-1-CY01-KA202-065983] Lesson plan Steps Timing Equipment Material Advice/Tips for the facilitator Further Reading/ Link to Resources Introduction [1] Welcome participants [2] Brief introduction to the topic [3] Warm up activity The correct answers to the first activity are: a=True, b= False, c= True, d= False, e=False. Some keywords examples for the second activity are: natural ecosystem protection, reduction in woody vegetation, land conversion 10-15 minutes ● In-person event: A quiet lecture room needs to be set up. ● Online event: An online platform offering a “breakout room” feature (e.g., Zoom Meetings). Warm up activity sheet This stage has to be short in time and is expected to take up to 15 minutes. Start arranging the classroom. Briefing [1] Background knowledge information Briefing of the theme. Ask questions to identify the knowledge capacity and the level of awareness that trainees have about paper consumption, the climate change issue and the GHG emissions of their business activity. Such questions can be: ● What deforestation is? ● Which sector contributes the most to deforestation? ● What practices does our company have that are unsustainable and damaging for the environment? ● What practices are we willing and which are not willing to change? 10-15 minutes Continue with the equipment used in the previous step. Tips for Briefing Background knowledge It can be found at the simulation scenario 1 (ANNEX I) - p.2 - section “Background” Key contextual details