146 www.gogreen-project.eu Scenario 4 Trainees’ Handout Title of the simulation activity The Company decides to invest in: a) GHG management, b) energy savings, and c) staff behaviour about GHGs emissions and waste. Duration 3 hours and 20 minutes Summary/overview As companies, and particularly SMEs, should start responding to climate change, and they lack the skills or competencies to set appropriate targets and act in the right direction, more training is needed for them. Despite their willingness to demonstrate strong commitment by turning green through reducing emissions, adopting a CSR behaviour, or focusing on their staff training, it is still necessary for them to develop new skills and receive proper guidance that will contribute to setting robust and credible targets in line with the current climate change implications. Specifically, companies need guidance about GHG measurement methods and procedures so as to first measure and then reduce their emissions. Applying energysaving practices and using relative technology applications to reduce GHG emissions production will provide great opportunities for cost reduction, with which the companies need to be acquainted without delay. Towards this direction, climaterelated penalty fines and strict legislative frameworks have been added to the themes that companies need further guidance. Of course, sustainable practices such as energy, fuel and water efficiency and consumption, or material reuse and conservation, are practices that depend greatly on the individual within the companies. Thus, the latter need guidance about the ways that they can promote appropriate behaviour among their staff and raise the staff awareness on how to use energy efficiently and regulate waste production, contributing to reduced costs. To achieve that, they need to consider both individual and corporate sustainability values carefully, and align them with each other as well. Besides, the values constitute a fundamental aspect for the establishment of a common sustainability-related goal. Everything considered, it is important that a relative strategy is built for increasing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the business (both internally and externally), actively involving and engaging the business staff in the process. This can ensure an enhanced corporate green image and a positive reputation of the business, among other CSR benefits in the long-term, which may contribute to the otherwise unreachable corporate goal of building a solid competitive advantage. Last but not least, companies need guidance and upskilling regarding the innovation of new green products and services, along with the communication of CSR information, green policies and relative business practices to important stakeholders. GoGreen offers you the opportunity to participate in a simulation-based training workshop in the form of role-play, which will help you to better understand the climate change impacts, as well as to get more knowledge about the actions that can be taken by enterprises to reduce such impacts and understand your role as