118 www.gogreen-project.eu Scenario 2 Trainees’ Handout Title of the simulation activity The Company decides to invest in GHG management – energy savings Duration 2 - 3 hours Summary/overview Companies have a critical role to play in the climate change challenge, which renders them across the globe, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), responsible for taking action. While SMEs have started responding to climate change, they still lack the necessary skills or competencies to set appropriate targets and act in the right direction. More training is needed for them to develop their skills, along with some guidance that will contribute to setting robust and credible targets in line with the climate change conditions. Specifically, SMEs need guidance about: − GHG measurement methods and procedures to reduce emissions − applying energy-saving practices − using green technology applications to reduce GHG emissions − the climate-related penalty fines and relative legislative frameworks − implementing sustainable practices such as energy, fuel and water efficiency, material reuse and conservation − build a solid corporate green image that contributes to an improved competitive advantage in the long term − informing their stakeholders about relative business practices They also need appropriate trainings and upskilling, which along with a little bit of work, time, or money, could establish sustainable strategies that will: − provide the required knowledge, skills and individual competences to understand the impacts of climate change − apply effective measures to mitigate such impacts − perform environment-friendlier practices and actions − reduce their environmental impact by reducing GHG emissions, saving energy, or decreasing waste − save money and help position the businesses for growth − initiate, form, maintain and manage green organizational policies GoGreen offers you the opportunity to participate in a simulation-based training workshop in the form of role-play which will help you to better understand the climate change impacts as well as to get more knowledge about the actions that can be taken by the enterprises to reduce these impacts as well as understand your role as entrepreneur in this process and the positive implications of such actions for your business. Your participation in the role-play simulation workshop will allow you to explore realistic situations by interacting with other people in a managed way in order to develop experience and try different strategies in a supported environment. You might be playing a role similar to your own (or likely one that you will perform in the future), or you could play a different one but part of the conversation or interaction that is developed around the business environment. Both options provide the