110 www.gogreen-project.eu Role Cards Role [1]: The Business Owner (CEO) Description The Business Owner character is not sufficiently informed about the environment or environmental practices at present and therefore not motivated to change. The Business Owner believes that using paper is essential and critical to their operations and does not recognize the damaging environmental impact the company’s outdated practices are having on climate change, the company’s poor reputation in terms of sustainability and environmental awareness. From a compliance and regulatory point of view, the CEO does not trust technology sufficiently well to consider moving to a paperless office and is even resistant to introducing recycling policies in the company. The Business Owner is also very happy with how things are and currently working, systems that have been in place for years and thinks the move to paperless offices is just the latest in a long line of inane trends and is not willing to change but would rather maintain the status quo. Role [2]: The Officer Manager Description The Office Manager is an informed character that believes using paper is fundamentally wrong, damaging to the environment and not necessary at a time when technology, security systems and computer applications provide a viable alternative that has a reduced environment footprint. Not only is a move toward a paperless office more cost effective, but it also saves time and offers more efficient work practices and makes a positive environmental contribution. Also, the Office Manager is familiar with the business actions already taking place in other companies and their competitors. Perhaps he agrees that a change in business policy will be a positive step for the company, but he also must support the business owner and might not be willing to take the risk of changing. He may agree to keep business as usual, even though he also understands the missed opportunities, acknowledges the bad marketing image of the company amongst the customers and the community and the recommendations and pressure applied by the environmental officer. Role [3]: The Environmental Officer Description The Environmental Officer is employed by the Local Authority to enforce the waste management plan for the region (impose fines and penalties) but also work with the business community and companies to inform them of their responsibilities, incentivize them to make positive environment changes and highlight the good practices that are taking place at regional level (marketing and supporting CSR). He/she can also refer to that others (competitors/partners/suppliers) have started to act and change their policy or consider the increased green expectations of their clients (or the community).