94 www.gogreen-project.eu Lesson plan Steps Timing Equipment Material Advice/Tips for the facilitator Further Reading/ Link to Resources Introduction [1] Welcome participants [2] Brief introduction to the topic [3] Warm up activity The correct answers are: 1 – F, 2 – C, 3 – D, 4 – A, 5 – B, 6 – C 15 minutes ● In-person event: A quiet lecture room needs to be set up. ● Online event: An online platform offering a “breakout room” feature (e.g., Zoom Meetings). Warm up activity sheet This stage has to be short in time and is expected to take up to 15 minutes. Start arranging the classroom. Timing Briefing [1] Background knowledge information Ask questions to identify the knowledge capacity and the level of awareness that trainees have about their company’s use of energy, waste production, GHG emissions, CSR strategy and green image, competitive advantage, reduced costs, opportunities for training staff, fines and penalties due to the carbon footprint, stakeholders informing, innovation of green products and services, energy saving policies, etc. Such questions can be: ● Which specific everyday activities conducted within your company relate to climate change? ● Which of those activities refer specifically to efficient use of energy and waste production? ● How can people in your company learn how to use energy effectively and reduce waste production? 15 minutes Use the same equipment as in the previous step. Tips for Briefing Background knowledge It can be found at the simulation scenario 4 (ANNEX I) section: “Background” p.4 Key contextual details